Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Secret Trip

So, we have this tradition. Secret Trips. It all started three years ago when Bebe decided to book at trip. He told me we were going somewhere but he wouldn't tell me where. It was so excruciating! I probed and probed, to no avail. Finally, the day came when it was time to leave. Bebe packed my clothes for me, as to not give away any hints to where we were going. He blind-folded me and loaded me in the car. A bit later we arrived somewhere and I was allowed to take off my blindfold. We were at the Sheraton by the airport. It was then that Bebe told me we were flying somewhere in the morning and that I wouldn't find out where we were going until then.


So, in the morning, I had to stand far away from any counters as Bebe checked us in and he walked me around the terminals, finally arriving at one that read "San Francisco".


And the tradition was born.

Last year, it was my turn. I told Bebe that I was planning a secret trip. He didn't know where we were going or when we were going. So, while Bebe was at his last day of work, I was packing his things. And when he got home, it was business as usual. We relaxed, ate and watched some TV. At around 8pm I asked Bebe if he wanted to go on a secret trip. He said, "okay!" So I blind-folded him and blasted music into some headphones. (Payback is a bitch!) I put him in the car and drove to a "park-n-ride." We left our car and boarded a shuttle all while Bebe is still blind and deaf. The shuttle took us to The Radisson by the airport where I allowed Bebe to remove the headphones and blindfold. He knew what this meant. He wasn't going to find anything out that night.

The next morning we made our way to the airport where I walked Bebe around the terminal where he saw gates heading to Orlando, Chicago, New Orleans and New York. All of which are on our radar as places we'd like to go, so Bebe had no clue. I handed him a gift bag, his clue. Inside were Mardi Gras masks.


Which brings us to this year, rather, last Friday. December 19th...

Full story to follow.

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